Important Note: It is necessary to add Teams to the Set-up tab of your Competition before you can import or add scheduled games.
Create a structure that best matches your league or competition (it could be only one Division, or Conference with several Divisions within it)
1. Set-up tab: Navigate to the Set-up Tab within your Competition/ Season.
2. Add Divisions (or Conferences > Divisions): Create the appropriate hierarchy/division structure for your Competition.
Single Division:
Conference with multiple Divisions:
NOTE: You can drag and drop teams between divisions
Next, confirm the following have been configured...
Related - Next Steps
- Locations set up: https://sportninja.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/8029388041108-Set-up-and-edit-Locations
- Game Schedules Import : https://sportninja.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/7915920278932-Importing-Game-Schedules-for-a-Competition-
Rosters / Player set up: https://sportninja.zendesk.com/knowledge/articles/8029567725588/en-us?brand_id=360001554532
League Officials set up: https://sportninja.zendesk.com/knowledge/articles/8029584359700/en-us?brand_id=360001554532